2017-04-18 Barbara_CFR1035-Edit_ForPrint-3.jpg

Barbara Glazier-Robinson, Ph.D.
Helping women get out of their shell and onto the stage!


Hello Speaking Virgins!


Have you spent your entire career listening to others and helping them reclaim their voice, but in the process, you realized you lost your own voice as a result?

While it’s rewarding to help others, you now realize you have more that you want to share with the world, but stepping out of your shell and onto the stage gives you instant butterflies.

Even though it’s scary, your desire to share your message is strong. The best thing you can do is show up as you are, with a heart full of desire to be of service, and practice sharing your message with the world.

Don’t start tomorrow, or next week, or when you “think you are ready.” Instead, let’s start today, let’s start now!

Let’s re-capture your voice and get you out of your shell. The world is waiting for you!



Ready to be Heard?


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